
Monday, April 2, 2012

Admitting the KPop AddiKtion too.

Just yesterday, I admitted my addiKtion to K-Pop music.  I won't copy & paste the whole post, because it also contained info for fam & friends re: my little family.  I'll just include the addiKtion part.  If you want to see the whole thing you can wander over there...but we're really boring people.  I promise. 

Originally posted on unnie's family blog on 4/1/2012*

But probably the pinboards that people want to ask me about the most are the ones that makes them scratch their heads the most.  I can almost hear them saying, "What on earth???"  or "Why is she pinning all that???"  or what I think people think most about these boards is, "I think Jess may have lost her mind.  I should call someone."  LOL As 3 of my boards are entitled, "K-Dramas...Not a Secret Addiction Anymore", "K-Pop/Hallyu Wave is Taking Over the World" & "KHJ Gets His Own Board".  But I also have an "Eye Candy" Board that has pinned, all of the good looking men I have crushed on, over the years.  Everyone from my absolute favorite, Johnny Depp, to my Favorite Korean Guy Crush, Kim Hyun Joong.  Its these 4 boards, that probably raises the most eyebrows, & has people wondering if I have lost my marbles?  I have, but it was way before my K-drama/ K-pop addiction. 
But that's just because they aren't aware that I am hopelessly in love with Korean Dramas, Korean Pop Music & Culture. I came out on this blog about this in a post in July of 2011, in a blog post entitled, "Confessions of a K Drama Addict".  Well, because of that addiction, I became fascinated with the whole country.  It really is an amazing country.  Full of a violent & ever changing history.  But its also a beautiful country.  So many things about this beautiful country & its culture fascinate me.  The people are a big part of that.  So charming.  Including the Pop Music scene.  Which can be heard in quite a few of the Kdrama's as OST (Original Soundtracks). 

I am not alone in this...if you aren't aware of it, KPop music is riding a wave of popularity all over the world.  Several of the most popular boy & girl groups from Korea have sold out concerts across Europe & South America.  Flash mobs dancing to Kpop music are popping up all over.  There have even been sold out concerts here in the US.  In New York, Las Vegas & Los Angeles.  My favorite group Big Bang, took home tons of awards from the European MTV Awards, including "Best Group".  South Korea itself, is now a power house in the way technology.  It is fast becoming one of THE power house countries.  And its music, movies & yes those silly little dramas are spreading across the globe. 

My bestie & I have talked about how awesome we are for being cool before everyone else even knew what cool was. LOL  I told her we aren't on the bandwagon, we're driving it & collecting more fans everyday.  I have managed to hook another couple of people who are not yet ready to "come out" for fear of being looked at weirdly.  So they will remain anonymous.  Personally, I am proud of my weirdness & like those in the south who are proud of the 'eccentrics' in their families, I am putting myself on display in the front room.  I am who I am. 

Even Kier & CA have admitted they like the music.  They both have Kpop music in their iPods.  In fact, Kpop is closer than you even know.  Kier came home from school a couple of weeks ago & told me Kpop has made its way to his school!!  Several girls were watching, one of my favorite Kpop groups, on their iPod!  And Kier showed them a Big Bang music video!  They LOVED them!!  So you see you don't have to understand the words, in order to enjoy the music.  I promise its so much fun.  And its clean!  No swearing in the lyrics.  Just like the dramas they aren't allowed to use curses in the lyrics.  That is the best part.  I don't know how long that will last for though.  At one time American music was clean too....not so much anymore.  :(

*Thank you Pinterest*

*Thank you Pinterest*

In my confessions of a K Drama Addict post I shared my favored sites to watch Kdramas.

Now I will share my "Current" Top 5 K Dramas to watch:
#1 Secret Garden (20 episodes total)

#2 Playful Kiss (16 episodes total)

#3 Flower Boy Ramen Shop (16 episodes total)

#4 Scent of a Woman (16 episodes total)

 #5 Coffee Prince (17 episodes total)

Now these are all dramas that have already aired most recently, one a few years ago.  But all good.  And they are all on Hulu.  I thought that might make them more accessible to those interested, but afraid of trying out a website they don't know, just for dramas, IE: Viki. 

These are the ones I am currently watching & are still airing on Korean TV.  So like our current American TV season, I have to wait week to week for the next episodes to air.  Now, the difference is that in Korea these 2 shows air 2 episodes per week.  So my 16 episode show will be finished airing in 8 weeks, as opposed to Sept-May with breaks in between.  They don't take breaks unless something actually stops production, like an accident (either on set or off). 

King 2 Hearts

Rooftop Prince

These 2 can be found on Hulu as well.  However, Hulu takes about a week longer than Viki ,when the drama is currently airing, so if you decide to check them out, Viki is fastest at getting the show up & having the English subtitles completed in a timely manner.  Don't let subtitles scare you.  They did me at first too, but after you get into the show you don't even realize you're reading subtitles anymore. 

As for the music I can share a couple YouTube Videos of my favorites you can decide for yourself. I will even make sure they have English subtitles too. 

Big Bang (at the top of this one, at the very beginning of the video, there are links to 2 other Music Videos by Big Bang, in each of the upper corners... Blue & Bad Boy.  Blue is another of my favorites...Bad Boy has grown on me. LOL) 

Kim Hyun Joong (this one is my favorite & has his very own celebrity crush)

2NE1 (the first girl group that didn't drive me crazy w/ their cutseyness)

If you are looking for some really great music to work out to I highly recommend all of these & you can download any of these on iTunes.  I have & so many more.  I actually have quite the growing collection of KPop music.  

Well conference is starting so I will close this post for now...but expect more posts about KPOP/Kdramas, as now that I am really out, I will be talking about it more.  You won't hurt my feelings if you want to ignore these posts or if you pretend to not know me in public. LOL

*Thank you Pinterest*
And that in a nutshell is how this whole thing started.  Once the Dongsaeng saw this post she left the comment "Let's Chat".  And the rest is history.  Do you see the kind of influence she holds over me?!?!   

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