
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

change can be a good thing

Yes, change can indeed be a good thing.  

You may have noticed a slight change on this here blog of ours.  We're just trying to make it a little less "mom blog" looking & a little more professional around here.  Which means, how you navigate TCA, will change too.  Actually I think it will be easier.  No more having to search through the blog one slow loading page at a time.  Instead you just have to keep scrolling south & read all the different post titles on your way.  or you can just hop on over to the little section of black on the side...> to our sidebar.  It's a sidebar pop out menu.  Very easy.  The labels to all our posts are right there, if you are looking for one particular post.  

That sidebar is important!  It's where you can sign up to follow this blog officially as well as Google + the blog, although you can still Google + each post individually too.  

If you forget all these instructions we created this a "page" up there ---^ just to provide you with those wonderful links we heart so much & to give you a short tutorial on how to work this new layout.  It will stay there indefinitely.

So?  What do you think of the new layout?  We didn't freak you out did we?  Change is a good thing.  I just keep chanting that, feel free to join me. 

Oh!  And one more thing!  Unnie's AddiKtion Playlist from her YouTube Channel has been moved.  New layout wouldn't allow it at the bottom of the blog anymore. :(  It is now located at the bottom of the "Unnie" page.  So if you want to listen to K-Pop or stare at the beautiful men (or if you're a guy there are some girls on there to stare at too), just click on Unnie's Page at the top of the blog under the title.  Then scroll to the bottom of her page & enjoy! 


The Management  ^.^

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