
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Unnie's Wednesday Write Up: Wish Trend Review

A couple of months ago Dongsaeng & myself received an email from a fellow Pinterest Pinner that we were both following.  Maybe you know her as well.  She is one of the writers for a Travel Book called, Seoul Sweet Seoul.  She was working with a Korean Based Cosmetics/Skin Care company called Wish Trend & they were looking for someone that would be interested in testing some of their products & doing a review on their blog and she thought of us.  Now I am not sure how she heard about us, if it was simply because of our Crazy Ahjumma Pinboard or if she is regular reader.  Honestly, I was too nervous to ask.  Once we read the email we were extremely excited & obviously very interested.

It's really hard to not squeeeee like a mad woman when you are so excited that a company wants you to try their products & then review them on your blog.  I know I tried & tried.  So did Dongsaeng but for days & days we were all aflutter with the excitement bug.  We were especially excited because this was a Korean based company.  As in, IN KOREA!!  How Daebok!!!   We were beside ourselves!!  After a few more emails back & forth between us & Elizabeth, the Seoulista Writer, who was helping us on behalf of Wish Trend we had placed our wish lists & the items were en route.  Dongsaeng got her package a whole week before me.  Color me green w/ envy.  But eventually my product arrived as well.

After waiting & waiting for it to arrive all week long, it was while I had to be out running errands that they tried to deliver but I was not at home.  Isn't it always like that?  I didn't even check the mailbox when I got home for the "we tried to deliver your package but you weren't home come get your stuff from the post office" card, I was just too busy! I didn't see it until CA brought in the mail when he got home, after the post office was closed.  It was a busy week.  And then Saturday I was trying to get a bunch of things done because we were going to be out that night as well.  And didn't realize that in my podunk little town of Nowhere WI the stinking post office is only open from 9-11 on Saturday mornings.  GRRRRRR....  This meant I had to wait until Monday.

As soon as 8 am Monday morning arrived I was dressed & out the door.

This is what I found waiting for me!!!
I managed to maintain my composure till I got into my car.  Then I grabbed my phone & started snapping pictures of.... my mail? o.O  Yes I took pictures of my mail!  What?!?!  Oh yeah, like you wouldn't?!?!  Whatever!  I know you would too!

Of course just as Dongsaeng had done to me, with her package, when it arrived,  I sent her a picture message of my mail as well.   I believe my message was something very witty ... like.... "guess what I got in the mail today?!?!"  That's right I am a real wiz when it comes to witty repartee.  That there is why I'm such a dang popular writer!  {{giggle}}

Then when I got home my eldest monstrosity laughed his butt off as I did my happy dance & singsonged my way through ripping open the box & taking MORE pictures.  All proud of myself...for doing absolutely nothing.  

Here's a mental picture for ya....of a very dignified & mature Unnie....
"Woot!!  Woot!!  {{butt wiggling dance in my sweat shorts & t shirt}}  I got stuff from Korea!!  No one in the house gets cool stuff from Korea like I did!!  Neener Neener Neener... I got really cool facial products from Korea.  I'm going to be really pretty!!!  Because I got super cool make up from Korea!!  Everyone will be jealous of my BB Cream!!!  I'm so popular that I get free stuff in the mail to review for the blog!!!  lalalalalalalalalalalalalala...."

Yeah...not my finest moment...but eh who cares.  I got free stuff from Korea!  Besides I never claimed to be dignified or refined or mature.  I don't think I aged past 10, really.  At least not mentally.  ;)P

Inside my box of Wish Trend products

So here are the items I was able to spend the last couple of months testing....

Klair's Essential Facial Mist Cherry Blossom & Rose
Every time I use this, which is all the time! I think of the make up artist guy for Jang Keun Seuk's character in Love Rain.  The one who walked up to Yoona's character & said she needed to make sure she watered herself like she does her flowers! LOL  And yes I think of Daesung from Big Bang when he did the Secret Garden Parody.

Dongsaeng does a really funny impression of him.  Because that's who she thinks of every time too.  And I have to tell you guys...  I LOVE this facial mist!  It feels awesome, especially during the summer!  Omo!!  I don't think I will ever allow myself to run out of this.  I'm hopelessly addicted to it!  It goes everywhere with me.  

Klair's Ultimate Dual Effect Eye Cream
I really wanted this product!  As a mom of who has special needs there are many, many nights when I do not get the requisite amount of sleep to keep eye circles & bags from under my eyes.  I am horribly aware of my saggy tired looking eyes.   So I really wanted to try this Eye Cream from Klair out so badly.  I did notice a difference in the baggies & the circles.  The bags haven't completely disappeared...I think at this point it would require magic or surgery but they are less noticeable.  

Then the piece de resistance.  DA DA DA DAAAAA!!!  BB Cream.  Real BB Cream from Korea!  Both Dongsaeng & I were really excited when we found out that Garnier was going to be doing their own BB Cream last winter.  We each rushed out to buy it.  And we were both kind of "Meh".  Not what I was expecting at all.  Not the best coverage & not a whole lot of improvement in our skin like it claimed.  So the first thing we each wanted from Wish Trend was REAL BB Cream.  And let me tell you we were not disappointed!

The first sample we got was just this small sample of Super Beblesh Balm from Skin 79 via Wish Trend.  It was awesome!!  Superior coverage & it doesn't require tons of it.  This one little package was about the size of my finger in length & as wide as 2 fingers.  Seriously JUST a little sample packet but this one little sample packet was good for 3 almost 4 applications for me.

Super Beblesh Balm by Skin 79

The other BB Cream I got was this large tube of ENCA.  Touted as an acne control BB Cream.

Now I have to admit.  I have never actually had a bad acne problem.  Except once a month w/ hormone changes I usually have one or two blemishes appear.  Usually small.  But I did get more oily & my skin would look more haggard & tired during those hormonal fluctuations.  I am still using this cream.  Again it has excellent coverage & I have noticed that the blemishes I have gotten, while hormonal, are infinitely smaller, never fully erupt & my skin does not get that haggard appearance that it got before.  

And I should also mention that I have very sensitive skin.  I have never been able to go for the cheap grocery store make up.  I break out in a horrible red painful rash if I try to use Loreal or Maybelline.  Feels like my face is on fire with those.  Almay has been okay but even it leaves my skin feeling raw by the end of the day so I have only worn it right before I go out in public & remove it as soon as I can that night.  This makeup (ENCA Acne Control) & the Super Beblesh Balm from Skin79 had no bad effects.  No redness, no rawness, no rashes, nothing.  My skin barely felt like it had make up on.  And I used my regular face powder on top of the BB Creams.  And it worked fine.  Again I have to use the expensive powder or Almay.  Everything else leaves me red/raw.  I think when I re order the Enca BB Cream, and I will, I will also try to get their mineral powder that Dongsaeng has been testing.  
ENCA AC Control BB Cream

I also received 2 different face masks.  And I'm talking the K Drama kind.  Squuueeee!!  I do not quite understand why in my mind this is squuee worthy but it SO was!  I was so excited to put a face mask on & lay down & watch a KDrama while it worked it's magic on my face.  Loved it!!  And it really did make my skin feel refreshed & smoother & softer.  And I thought my skin was already pretty good.  And I saved it for just the right day.  It was after a long day of dealing w/ my wonderful, beautiful, special needs son, who had spent the day being sick again & again.  One of those long days that I try to pretend don't really happen in my "rose colored" world.  I got us through dinner & clean up & then looked at CA & said, the kids & the rest of the night are yours to deal with while mama spends the rest of the night alone & vomit free watching K Dramas & pampering herself.  
This face mask by Quegen Biotech is the only one I've used so far.  I've been saving the other one for another awesome day.  Seeing as I have been sick this week, thank you to my daughter for sharing her head cold with me, & my nose is red, my eyes are red, my skin looks tired &pale.  In the time it has taken me to write this one paragraph I have sneezed twice & blown my nose three times & my eyes are constantly watering.  Yeah...this is me getting least I have my voice back...almost.  So yeah,  I'm thinking, since I am on the mend that this upcoming weekend is a great time to pamper my skin again.  Really looking forward to using this Skin Factory White Mela Ampoule Mask!

Last but not least I received several little sample packs of various Klair products; IE hydration therapies, moisturizing creams, acne control, oil control etc...  And I enjoyed each of them granted there was not really enough of any one of them to show me any real differences but I did not have any bad reactions to them either, thereby tempting me into trying full sized versions.

Overall my general opinion of Wish Trend & its products is an enthusiastic thumbs up.  I enjoyed the products immensely.  I was gratified to see I had no bad reactions to them with my annoyingly sensitive skin.  And that in fact, I noticed, in just the last 2 months of use, some small yet noticeable improvement generally speaking.  So I will continue to happily pitch their products, as long as they continue to be effective & have no bad reactions.  I hope if you are looking for your first try at a BB Cream especially, that you follow the link above to Wish Trend & try them out for yourself.  I made sure that all of the products I tried & listed had links directly to their page on the Wish Trend website.

Now the, for me, scary part.  I thought this time only, I would do a before & after shot for you guys.

Please do not scream in horror & run away from the computer.  I'm not the little girl from the Ring I won't come & kill you even though I look horrifying without make up.  Big Breath in.....I cannot believe I am willing to do this.

Before make up or product used at all.
I promise, I won't come through the screen & kill you or
your family!
See the baggies under my eyes?
Shiney nose & all.  Ack!!  
After applying make up same morning.
BB Cream helps hide baggies under my eyes
A LOT better then make up.
Please ignore the gray roots.
I know I try to.  I'd like to say the gray is due to age but
I started going gray at 22.  So it's just a me/genetic thing.

Full make up 6 weeks after receiving Wish Trend Products.  
None of the pictures were touched up.  Although the 3rd picture was taken w/ my Instagram App on my iPhone so it does have a filter over it.  Really hoping no one ever reads this post!  Ack!  All my insecurities are right there on display.  8O

Now look for Dongaseng's review of her products next Monday.  That's it peeps I am out of here before I change my mind about including pictures of myself.


P.S. This is one post I don't mind you NOT leaving comments on. ;)

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