
Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year Wishes from TCA

The end of the year is upon us.  Well it's upon me.  Only 3.5 hours to go until I say goodbye to 2012 & welcome in 2013.  I sit here in my home, next to the fireplace while my kids watch movies & CA plays on the PC, not a surprise really.  By midnight I expect to be the only one still awake.  Meanwhile Dongsaeng is in the northern parts of AZ w/ her family (immediate & extended) to play in the snow & have fun.  Although mostly she just sends me texts that she's cold & thinks she was crazy for agreeing to go to the snow. {^_-}

I don't know about you guys but this has been an amazing year for me.  I became even more enamored w the K World.  So much so that I agreed to start a blog dedicated to my new found addiKtion w my very bestest friend.  A blog we thought for sure would end up just being the two of us talking to each other.  Color us extremely happy & surprised to discover other people like us wanted to dish as well.  I am happy to report that before Christmas TCA officially hit the 100K mark.  In less than 8 months we had over 100K views on TCA.  That boggles our minds & leaves us full of squishy & happy feels!  We love you guys so much for supporting us as we try to figure out what to talk about.  For squeeeing alongside us as we fangirl vehemently over oppas that are younger & older than us.  {{Granted the older ones were far less than the younger ones, but whose counting, right? kekeke...}}

Our little blog is not full of breaking news of K idols.  It doesn't do a million different recaps or reviews like Dramabeans, mostly because its just the 2 of us & even we can't watch that many dramas.  We don't do interviews w famous people.  We are just 2 stay at home moms dishing on a shared interest.  We aren't professional writers & are not as pithy & articulate as so many others are on their respective blogs.  Yet you guys seem to really like us.  {{pssst...the checks are in the mail}}  So this year of discovery & stepping outside the box seems to have paid off.  Thank you so much.  Whatever it is you like about us we hope we can keep you coming back to read more.  We just wish more of you would talk to us on the blog.  You're so quiet!

It's also a year that found me flying across the country to visit my old homes in AZ & Calif.  And being able to squee & hug my dongsaeng in person for the first time in 3 years!!!  A year that found me at my first ever K Pop concert live for my absolute favorite band of yummies, more widely known as Big Bang.  A year that found me new amazing chingus across the country & around the globe.  So many blessings this year.  So many wonderful new experiences.  So much growing & changing.  As the year comes to an end many of us like to set those pesky New Year's resolutions.  I don't.  I never have.  Okay I did when I was younger but I never saw them through.  Everything from the shallow: I want to lose weight & look good this year.  To the deep: I am going to be a better mom.  A better friend.  A better wife.  I am going to volunteer more.  Pray more.  Spend more time w my family, friends.  Less time stressing.  More time laughing.

This year I just want to make memories & be able to look back at the good & bad & remember I tried.  I loved.  I laughed.  I smiled.  I forgave.  I served.  I hugged.  I comforted.  I made others feel better about life, about themselves.

Of course I want to lose weight & feel pretty too!  LOL See?  Still shallow.  ;)  What?!?!  At least I'm dependable.  Besides that was last year's resolution & I actually stuck to it pretty well.  It was very slow going as I have some health issues but I did manage to go down one whole size in everything.  Now that I am starting to enjoy the feeling you get from working out I think this year will be a little easier.  {{At least I hope will}}  And I have a few really awesome friends that are doing this with me.  And its always easier to lose weight & get healthy w/ a group.

Did you make resolutions?  What were they?  Do you have any K related resolutions?  A trip to Seoul?  A move to South Korea?  Leaning Hangeul?  Find a Korean boyfriend or girlfriend?  Watch more K Dramas?  Buy more K Pop?  Go to a fanmeeting for your bias?   Going to your first KPop Concert?  Learn to cook Korean food?  We'd love to know.  You can comment on this post or on TCA FB or TCA Twitter or email us or our individual Twitter Profiles.

Jess Unnie                         Shannen Dongsaeng 

Oh & of course; hypnotize KHJ into falling in love w/ an ahjumma named Jess who lives in Kenowhere, WI & has 4 kids...  But I think all of his fans wish for something similar.  Now that I think about it I think we're cancelling each other's wishes out!!  o.O  Can someone explain to KHJ MY wish is the only one to which he should be paying attention?  Thanks.  {{giggle}}

My wish is that this blog post finds you all healthy, happy, surrounded by your loved ones.  That 2013 brings you joy, satisfaction, success, true happiness health & love.  I look forward to another year as your Unnie & hope you find as much joy in reading our posts & TCA Blog as we have writing it for you.



  1. Happy New Years unnie and dongsaeng! though I think you're both my unnis ;) I'll try not to be as silent on your blog this year. Honestly, I love waiting for your posts. You're right, you don't write recaps or interview my favorite biases, but you both put a spectacular human grounding on this shared addiktion of ours, of which I certainly appreciate, and wish there were more of out there.

    I never make new years resolutions (because I haven't managed to keep one ever!), but I do wish that this next year I can make it to at least one Kpop concert, if I have to traverse half the country to get there! I already cook Korean food, but I want to make my first batch of kimchi this year. *fingers crossed* Let's hope this works!

    1. Happy New Year to you Rosie!!! Yay!! I am so glad you left a comment & promise to not be as quiet in 2013. And thank you for reading TCA Blog, it means so much to us, really! Hopefully, we've brought you laughter in return for your faith in us. I will hope & pray you make it to your first KPop Concert too! I too have started cooking Korean for my family but I have yet to try Kimchi, its a 2013 goal for to make it as well. I bet your batch turns out better than mine. ;)

      Sending you many wonderful wishes & lots of love for 2013. I am the only one still awake in my house. {hehehe} as predicted. Only 49 minutes to go until the New Year begins for me & mine.

      All my love, Unnie


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