
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Unnie's WWU: Spreading the love...of KDrama.

Hello.  My name is Jessica.  I am a K Drama AddiKt.

I have been watching K Dramas now for over 2 years.  I was introduced to K Dramas by my best friend.  (The better writer on this blog).  She had just started watching My Princess, thought it was cute & asked me to give it a try & I said, "Eh... Why not?!?  Sure."  I've always liked foreign films, why not give foreign TV a chance too.  Within 24 hours I was 12 episodes into the drama & surpassing my best friend & then waiting for the next episodes to air on Hulu.

Then we watched them together.  Our "Squees" could be heard throughout our perspective neighborhoods, I am sure.  Since my induction into the wonderful world of K Dramas I have branched out to J Dramas, Taiwanese Dramas & KPop & JPop.

Since I became a Korean Drama AddiKt in the early spring of 2011, I have completed 73 dramas & 15 movies, Korean, Taiwanese & Japanese combined.  According to MyDramaList that is 15 days of uninterrupted viewing obsession pleasure.   Honestly, I'd probably have more but I have 4 kids & a husband, who for some strange reason, think I should spend time with them too & not just the characters in my shows.  Whatever!  I have also converted 2 other women into becoming full time Korean drama addiKts as well.  Then I started this blog, with my best friend, so that we could help those who were either just discovering K Drama & wanted some help to understand it better.  Or to give those, like us, who watch but then had nowhere to go to vent our frustrations, our joys, our tears, our angst, our insanity, over these lovely dramas, a safe place to be an addiKt.  Who knew, right?!?!  I say to myself it's just a TV show.  Because, really, it is, Logically, I know, it is just a TV show.  And yet somehow it's infinitely more than that.

It's the "Je ne sais quoi" that keeps us coming back for more & more.  It's the romance.  It's the fact that it's cleaner than US TV.  It's the absurdity.  It's the drama.  It's the humor.  It's the shmexy, shirtless, shower scene men.  * wink/wink*  It's the nice break from reality. It's the different culture.  It's ALL of that & so much more.

This blog's purpose is to give other men & women, who are all alone in the addiKtion grip, a place they can go & squee & vent & rant & rave & commune with other crazed addiKts.  We're no Dramabeans.  We ain't got a crew of pithy, trained writers; well versed in Asian culture, who can dish on dramas in a well informed way.  Nah, we're still learning & discovering.  And we're no allkpop, we ain't got a crew of people willing to dig through millions of celebrity news blurbs, Twitter feeds, Facebook profiles, Instagram accounts, Weibo accts, etc...  Were just 2 lone women (moms/wives) living in the suburbs, in 2 completely different parts of the US, who wanted to talk K stuff.  We knew there were others, like us, out there that wanted to not feel so alone.  It was all dongsaeng's idea.  She knew there were others, like us, that needed to know they weren't insane.  Well, no more than we are, which really doesn't say much...  *see title of blog*    We aren't searching for notoriety or fame or a fandom.  Not that those things wouldn't be cool but mostly we just want to talk K Everything.  All the time & to anyone that is simple minded enough willing enough to listen to us blather on & on.

And we've discovered that we may just be a bit of a conundrum to those, who probably think we're even crazier than we do, no not our families although they really do think we're nuts.  You guys, our fellow AddiKts, don't say much to us, I think it's blogger's fault.  I know that the comment link at the bottom of the posts don't always show up on the blog. I haven't the foggiest idea why.  But we know you come & see us.  Blogger has a back door, or a dashboard if you will, for each blog owner, that shows which countries visit the blog on a daily basis.  Our biggest viewership comes from right here in the United States, which makes us say, "Yay!", since that was our original purpose. (To help other non-Asian peeps here in the US know that they are not alone in their K Drama love, over 76K views from the US alone, thanks guys!!)  But we get visits from other countries too, the UK, Canada, & Australia are good to us as are other European countries; France, Italy, Germany & Spain are just a few.  And oh South America you are good to us too.  But this isn't surprising as South America was on the K Pop bandwagon long before we were, they also get more KPop concerts than we do because of the huge fan base there for KPop.  You go South America!  But a huge portion of our visits, more than all those other places, come from Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, & Vietnam (combined over 28K visits from different parts of Asia).  And a growing number from South Korea itself.  Every time we see an Asian country show up in our counter we are ecstatic.  And when we see South Korea visit us, we are in rapture.  We haven't the foggiest clue what you are reading, why you are visiting us, what keeps you coming back, we don't know your gender, age range, or skin color, just the fact that you are viewing us from South Korea, & that rocks socks!  

We are doing our best to spread the K Love guys.  We want everyone to love you as much as we do.  We think you are pretty awesome, in case you couldn't tell.  And we thank you for your views.  Hopefully, you are happy to see such interest in  your country & it's culture.  Hopefully, we aren't insulting you & you aren't at this very moment trying to get an injunction to get us to stop talking about something of which we have no real clue.  Hopefully, we don't look too foolish.  We really do lead totally normal lives outside of this world, we have created, in this blog.  I have 4 kids, my dongsaeng has 2.  We help in our community, we volunteer at our kids schools, we have busy lives that have nothing to do with this part of ourselves.  But I watch very little US TV now.  I listen to almost all K Pop.  I order make up from Korea or go to the Face Shop in Chicago (over an hour away from my house) to buy my BB Cream & other skin care products.  I am exploring cooking Korean food & trying to learn my 3rd language...that last one is slow going...because again I lead a very busy life that has nothing to do with my addiKtion.

We just really, really like you guys & your world.  We would dearly love to hear more from you, connect with you, get to know you better.  We've actually been so buy that we haven't properly celebrated our one year anniversary as The Crazy Ahjummas.  That's right it's been over a year since our first official TCA post.  We have no idea how we want to celebrate.  Now accepting ideas.  *giggle*

And with that I have to close.  I have laundry to separate & a sick child at home that is finally asking for some food.  No one told me I would have to feed my kids everyday!  Sigh.

I hope you guys have a great week.  This is our last week discussing I Miss You, I can't wait to see how it turns out!  I'll see you Friday Addikts.  And remember....



  1. Congrats on over a year of blogging!

    1. Rosie! One of our most regular commenters! Thank you so much for your support. We truly appreciate it & have thoroughly enjoyed our K Discussions. Looking forward to many more! 사랑해 친구

  2. YAY the comment part showed up this time so I can tell you guys how much I love reading your blog every week. You both rock.


    1. Amber!!! I am so glad it showed up for you too!! Thank you for your support over the last year, your comments & your friendship! 사랑해 친구

  3. Hello from Singapore! ^^ I lurk here on occasion, and just wanted to come out and say Happy 1-year Blogoversary!! Keep up the great work spreading all the k-love! ;D

    1. Hello to you too Singapore!! Thanks for all your "lurkings", lurkers rock as do you! Thanks for the Blogoversary wishes! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


We love comments! Just please remember to keep it clean and keep it nice or you won't survive the moderation round.