
Monday, June 24, 2013

Harmonious Sounds {Monday Morning Therapy with Dongsaeng}

Recently I've been listening to the soothing and soul-mending sounds of my favorite guys singing acapella and other harmony-heavy tunes.  Being a pseudo-musician myself (you know, I was like in choir and stuff in high school hahaha), I have an affinity for acapella and harmonious music.  It really does just speak to me and calm my troubled heart.  Or my untroubled heart.  It's good anytime really.  I don't mean to pigeonhole it into something when the application can be all-encompassing and a great deal more vast than our occasional emo moments.

Right now I'd just like to take a moment and direct you towards some lovely music.  Some is acapella, some not, but all have been playing recently around here and so I thought I'd share.  Because they're pretty.  And we could all use a little more pretty on a Monday morning.

I'll start with some old school DBSK/TVXQ when they were still together.  What I wouldn't give to see these 5 perform live once again.  If I had a bucket list, it would be at the top.  Their voices are just amazing together and go straight to my heart.  I'm only going to post links to these since they aren't "official" vids and that's just my thing.

Why Did I Fall in Love with You

Somebody to Love

Whatever They Say  (in this one, Jaejoong is sporting the craziest hair I've ever seen him sport - I love it in a weird way!)

10 Minutes of more DB5K acapella

and, probably the most beautiful, harmonious song ever by my favorite former 5 - Love In the Ice.  This one has been playing on repeat for days on my phone.  It's been my song of the week and so it's only fitting that I share it.

In addition to the acapella, I've been introduced to some cover songs by group Lunafly.  Do you know Lunafly?  This trio of very talented young men debuted last year.  I'm a bit Yun biased personally, though Sam's accent is killer.  Their own music is wonderful, but these cover songs have been amazing to listen to as well.  Here are a couple few of my favorites

Okay, so I hope these help you get started this morning and give you a lift and/or a boost.  May your week be wonderful and full of beautiful harmonious sounds.  Thanks for stopping by!

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