
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Unnie's Wednesday Write Up: Kim Hyun Joong's Unbreakable

Dear AddiKts,

I'm writing to you, today, to let you know our beloved Unnie has finally succumbed  to the mental descent into a world filled with nothing but her bias, Kim Hyun Joong.  Yes, Unnie is in her heaven & she's much happier there.  I should go back to earlier in the week & help explain just what happened to put our Unnie into such a state of obsessed mania, the final snap in her mental acuity so to speak.

It all started late Wednesday night.  Unnie had just finished drama-thoning All About My Romance & was checking FB one last time before retiring for the night.  If only she hadn't thought to check, she might still be with us.  But alas, check FB she did.  We all know how much our Unnie loves Kim Hyun Joong but this time her love for him is what ultimately led to this mental break.  As she opened her newsfeed to FB, one of the first posts she found belonged to the Official KHJ Facebook Page, it was the announcement for his latest single/MV, "Unbreakable".  Unnie excited at the prospect of seeing her bias singing & dancing in all his sexy glory on her iPad was too much for her to wait until morning.  So she opened up the MV in Youtube & that's when Unnie left this real world forever.

What a sight greeted her upon her arrival.  Oh if only they had stopped at images like this....

But no the powers that be wanted to not just enthrall but enrapture our Unnie to the point of no return & so they continued on & on until finally these images are what did our Unnie in....

And ending with the following mind blowing, ovary exploding moments of the video.

Is it any wonder our Unnie couldn't stand up to the mind blowing dancing, sexy, thrusting images of her bias as he danced & sang his way into her soul?  Poor Unnie *sigh* she never saw it coming.  And that is why we mourn her mental loss but we celebrate her happiness.  She has gone beyond our world & is in a much happier place.  Do not cry for her, do not pity her, no head shaking or saying "I told you so" for her, no we must be happy for our Unnie.  For those interested the "Asylum" WILL give her care packages, after all she isn't a danger to herself or others. But please no KHJ items as they send her into a renewed frenzy & then they have no choice but to sedate her further.  The physicians are working around the clock to bring our Unnie back from her mental breakdown.  Will she be the Unnie we've all come to know & love so much?  Only time will tell.

The Management

*****Disclaimer #1: No this was NOT a real letter, I am find & dandy.....sort of...****

******Disclaimer #2: All of the images were found on the KHJ Official Facebook page, they are not mine.*****

KHJ's newest MV was phenomenal!!!  And I have watched it myself, at least 40 times, give or take, since it's release!!  Seriously, they should have put a warning on that video!  I blame Keyeast for not properly warning viewers & fans of the danger to their mental well being if they viewed Unbreakable.  So before I share it on here I will add my own warning label.

The following video is will cause hot flashes, ovary explosions & quite possibly pregnancy.  Watch at your own expense!  You've been warned, proceed with caution.

And if that weren't hot enough, they also released the video of his latest photo shoot w Star1, the day before the MV released.  And incredibly handsome.  Thank you Lord for Kim Hyun Joong!!  Thank you so much!

Let's just say I had to give a warning to my friends & family on Facebook, following my private profile, that I was going to be blowing up my Pinterest Feeds, & that for any of them following me, they might want to "Un-follow" my Pinterest acct for Jess Unnie.  I pinned somewhere around 300 pins that day, of just KHJ.  Bringing the grand total for my probably really unhealthy addiKtion to 2766.  *SMH* See it's admissions like this, that keep me from wanting to meet my bias in real life.  Just sayin'.  What do you say to the guy you have almost 3000 pictures of?  "Um...yeah Hi, I swear I'm not as cray cray as I seem online."  I figure that my pinning pics of him may be unhealthy BUT I do it for his safety & I consider it a bonus that keeps me from being arrested for creating an International "Incident" & of course goes without saying, the inevitable restraining order.  Win Win.  ^^

Well, that's it for this week's squee fest for KHJ.  Come back next week, I'm pretty sure I'll still be squeeing away.  In the meantime would you please go VOTE for Unbreakable at EYK for his video to be reviewed for one of their awesome KPop Music Mondays?  Pretty Please?!?!  As of Saturday night, when I actually wrote this post he was #7 on the charts.  When I get back from my vacation I'd really like to see him in the somewhere in the Top 3.  Thank you guise.  I KNEW I could count on you to help me out.  I've never seen a KHJ review on EYK.  They may have done one, a long time ago, but I've not been able to find it in the archives.  It would be really nice to see my #1 getting some spot light from them.

Have a wonderful week ladies & gents.


P.S. Do you see how they are killing me?!?!?!

This is me at this point...

This picture found on Pinterest though. 

(x.x) <---Me - *Ded*

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