
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Unnie's Wednesday Write Up: One of Those Days

I know I am not the only one on this wide beautiful planet to have "one of those days".  I blame it on the end of summer blahs that are setting in, here in Wisconsin.  When I lived in AZ, I LOVED winter.  Couldn't get enough in fact.  Hated summer, dreaded it.  And would almost always go crazy come October when it was still in the 90s.  I was ready for fall by October but fall was not ready to arrive in AZ.  Oh I drove my husband batty about it, "This isn't fall!  Fall is crisp air & cooler temps & falling leaves!"  Bless his poor heart, I was a huge whiner.  So when he was offered a job in Wisconsin I was ready for the change.  But having spent a predominant amount of my life in a warm, super sunny, climate has made my transition to colder, wintry, snowy, icy, gray days a little bumpier than I expected.  Don't get me wrong, Fall is AH-MAZING here.  So beautiful!  But fall is then followed by 6 months of miserably cold temperatures, Snow up to your waist, Ice, and more gloomy, gray, cloudy days than this So Cal chick can handle & I discovered I suffer from seasonal depression because of this winter climate.  This last winter here was hard, as it seemed to go on forever still getting snow storms in mid to late April.  I spent most of last winter begging my husband to look for a job back in AZ.  Yep that was me, a complete 180 on my previous viewpoint about AZ.  Again I say my husband is a saint.

I couple this 'blah feeling', on the fact that today, my eldest, child went to his high school freshman orientation.  Tomorrow there is a freshman cook out & dance in the evening.  His first high school dance.  As he left this morning, I felt conflicted.  I was so happy for him.  Yet so sad for me.  First, he's not my baby anymore and he was sincerely such a cute baby.  Yes, all mom's think their baby is the cutest & the best.  Second, it also means I am the mother of a high school kid, which makes me feel old, boring, useless & really quite unattractive.  I picked the wrong addiKtion.  I picked an addiKtion that focuses on being young & perfect & beautiful.  None of these things can be used to describe myself.  Normally, I still feel like I am in my early 20s.  I don't look like I am but I feel like it.  Today, for really the first official time, I actually feel like an ahjumma.  Which has its perks, apparently on a city bus or subway in Seoul, I can be as loud & obnoxious as I want, because I am an ahjumma.  So there's that.  kekekeke...

While today has not been a bad day per se, it has been one of those days where I feel blah.  Darn you end of summer, oncoming winter & darn you to kids getting older ergo making their parents feel their age!  I spent the morning watching Barefoot Friends & getting my KHJ fix, which again as an ahjumma today I feel very weird liking a man 10 years younger than me.  And I feel like I should apologize to KHJ for creeping him out. LOL  The good thing is I picked a bias that doesn't really pay attention to the virtual world very often so woohoo he has no clue a pervy old lady drools over him.  ^^  That helps my ego some.

But there are good things about being in the place I am age wise.  I am past the diaper era, the potty training era, the having to sit & watch the many, many repetitive kid shows era.  I can wear jewelry without worrying about them breaking it with little hands, that pull and tug, with the force of a sumo wrestler.  My kids can dress & feed themselves, are perfectly content entertaining themselves, help clean up the house, & don't need to be constantly watched anymore.  In short I can stop stalking them.  Plus, my kids will all head back to school in a couple of weeks & I will get the house to myself again, at least for most of the day.  Looking forward to peace & quiet throughout the house again.

To help cheer myself up from the 'blahs' I gave myself a treat on my Jess Unnie Profile on FB.  A thread dedicated to Kim Hyun Joong.  Sigh.  And I encourage all of you who have already friended that profile to go check it out & add your own favorite videos to the thread.  The world needs more KHJ.  So even though he is completely unaware that he turned my mood from blah to happy I want to say, Kamsahabnida Kim Hyun Joong-ssi for just being you.   Jjinja.  This old lady thanks you for your smile & your talent.  It brightened an otherwise blah day.

For those of you that aren't on FB, &/or aren't interested in friending Jess Unnie on FB, here are some of my favorite KHJ performances.  Sigh what a nice voice he has.  The videos are not mine, they aren't official, they are from his fans because they love him.  And he appreciates his fans, even if just once he'd like to say, "Stop buying me food, I can do that, just buy my album instead."  Classic KHJ, honesty.  I bought your album.  Which means you owe me dinner dude. ;)

Have a great day AddiKts.  BTW The Master's Sun ep 5 is already almost finished subbing, I know what I will be watching while my son is at Tae Kwon Do tonight! Squeeee!!!  Yep, the day is no longer so blah.


I'm Your Man Live

One More Time Fanmeet in Tokyo

Because I'm Stupid Live

Kiss Kiss MV

And from his latest album Round 3, {{available on iTunes}} here are 2 of his MVs from:
The Official Kim Hyun Joong Youtube Page.  

Your Story Official MV

Unbreakable Official MV

And one of my favorite moments of his. This interaction with his fan always melts my heart. He's so sweet & she is adorable. I LOVE the look on her face when Ho Dong moves the paper & her dream man is right there for her to stare into his eyes. She is so in love & adorable. Bless her little fan girl heart.

I hope this helped your day like it did mine.  <3 Unnie

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