
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Top Five Kdrama Countdown - February Week 1 -Lets Eat Edition

I was watching all my shows like usual and really struggling to find something that stood out for my weekly countdown.  I was just about to start picking some sub par moments and then I watched episode 11 of Lets Eat.....AND IT TOTALLY ROCKED!!!  Half way through I was having such a hard time picking just one scene to use that I instead decided to just  do my top 5 favorite moments all from this episode.  YES! It really was that good.  Now I am sure some of you are saying to yourselves....Kmuse, I am not watching Lets Eat.  What about us?  Don't worry, I do have a few scenes that I had squirreled away from other shows.  They will be at the end of the post under the honorable mention header.  If nothing else I hope this helps those of you that are on the fence about watching this drama take the proverbial plunge.  It is such a wonderful guilty pleasure and is perfect for rounding out my week.

I tried to find as many clips as I could.  However some scenes are not on youtube.  So if you are interested in checking out the scenes described below I have added a time stamp for each segment.  This is one of those dramas that has a lot of individual scenes so if you do check it out for the most part they don't really spoil plot points for the show as a whole.
You can find the episode at the below link.

#5 Food, Food, and More Food
It is impossible to not want to eat while watching this drama. I have to imagine that all the actors have gained some serious weight while filming since they eat..... A LOT.  This director does a perfect job of not only making the food look amazing, but having the actors look literally orgasmic as they eat it all.   You have to give credit to the show for making me sit through four minutes of watching people eat and still be entertained.  See what I am talking about in the below clip!
 Food Porn Clip

 #4 A Liar is My Ideal Type
Oh Do-Yeon and Yoon Jin-Yi are two of the characters that have shown an interest in our main guy Koo Dae-Young.  Hilarity ensues when they finally meet face to face and instantly decide that they are rivals.  Both start snapping at each other in the food line and it comes out that our leading man told both of them elaborate stories about a lost love (in order to keep them in the friend zone and not chasing after him).  The best part is that when Lee Soo-Kyung comes between them and says that it looks like he had been lying to both of them.  They just huff and say they don't care.  And then Oh Do-Yeon says my favorite line of the episode (and possibly the whole show).  When she finds out she says "that's perfect since a liar is my ideal type".  HAHAHAHA
 Time stamp :14.45

#3 Dog Phobia
Lawyer Kim Hak Moon has had a crush on Soo Kyung since his college days when he was a totally geek and beneath her notice.  Hiring her in some weird revenge fantasy he constantly switched between love and hate all the while keeping her oblivious to his feelings.  He has finally decided that he loves her so in an effort to find common ground he asks about her dog.  Now there are two things that Soo Kyung loves, food being the first and her cute dog being the second.  Gushing about her dog she assumes that Hak Moon also wants a dog and drags him to the pet store.  Unfortunately Hak Moon has a crippling fear of dogs and even touching a fluffy small dog has his hands shaking in terror.  Through a series of misunderstandings and assumptions Soo Kyung decides that her boss really wants to adopt a large shelter dog (which gets him off the hook for now but what about in the future?).  Deciding he needs to overcome his fear in order to get the girl, Hak Moon hilariously has a shouting match with his phone about finding a cure for fear of dogs.  In the end he finds a dog that he can practice on....... a small barking kid toy hehehe.  I cant wait til next week because I am sure this misunderstanding is going to be even funnier in the future.
Time stamp: 47:15
#2 A Slippery Save
This scene is awesome.  I love how our leading lady is not going to fall in love come hell or high water......or freezing temps and ice strewn sidewalks.  Gradually becoming aware that she has started to "like like" our hottie through this episode, Soo Kyung is fighting it tooth and nail.  And when she slips on some ice and Dae Young saves her from falling, she gets extremely huffy tries to stalk off and promptly almost falls again. I love that he starts trying to convince her to get insurance for just these type of situations hehehe.  This time Dae Young pulls her even closer and offers her his back (haha seriously why would you think a piggy back ride would be safer on ice). What could have turned into a romantic piggy back ride is rejected by our girl and tells him that he uses his back so much it might as well be a shuttle bus.  She then takes off her shoes and walks across the icy sidewalks barefoot.  HAHAHA  I love that this is one girl who is not going to fall for the romantic ideals.  She is cranky and anti love and she is not going to change, even if she ends up with frostbitten toes.
Time stamp: 50:51
I Would Rather Walk Barefoot on Ice then Fall For You Clip

 #1 That Boy Is Mine Karaoke Style
What happens when you add two battling oppa chasers, a flirty insurance salesman, one love sick lawyer, a goofy aid, and a prim and proper food addict in a karaoke room?  Pure comedic gold of course.  Not to mention a really great scene of Yoon Doo Joon's Karaoke version of "Troublemaker" (can someone tell me when he went from kinda goofy cute to steaming hot because I am still wondering how that happened within just a few episodes).  The best is when both girls try to stake their claim on our hottie (even though he has turned down both - see #4 moment).  They instigate a drinking war to see who should have him in the event that he ever decides to date again.  While this is going on the Lawyer keeps sending the creepiest love looks at our leading lady who is oblivious to all and just wishing she could go home.  Truly a great scene and my #1 Karaoke moment to date.
Time stamp : 25:52
Troublemaker Karaoke Clip
This concludes my special top 5 addition featuring Lets Eat.  I hope it inspires some of you to give this drama a try.  It starts off a little slow but really gains momentum and heats up as the drama goes longer.....Kind of like Yoon Doo Joon's hotness levels.  Just be sure to eat before watching since if nothing else this drama will give you a serious case of the munchies.

Honorable Mentions (OK so it is almost another top 5 but we are going to pretend that it isn't.)

Death Threats
I don't know why, but there is something so sexy when a man (or in this case our hottie alien) gets so enraged that he loses all control and just thrashes the bad guy.  We were privileged to witness Do Min Joon go postal when he learned of Chun Song Yi's accident.  He flashes into our evil psycho's office flipping over furniture and pretty much making it look like a tornado hit.  He then grabs big bad by the collar (seriously this guy is crazy since he just continues to laugh) and when that is not intimidating enough he transports them to the roof and dangles psycho over the edge.  And when he still does not seem afraid he lets him fall almost all the way to his death.  Min Joon stops him barely a foot away from impact and threatened him: “If anything happens to that woman, I will come back to kill you. You said you have a lot of things to lose. I’ll make sure you know the taste of losing them one by one. In the end you will lose everything, and I will show you what utter destruction is.” He then lets him fall the last bit of the way scraping up his face.  It was truly one of those moments that makes you appreciate a man who can kill another with such drama.  Also congrats to the amazing special effects and directing of this scene that was done with no green screen.  They were all hooked up to wires and did the stunts on an actual building.  Sometimes going old school makes the effects even better.
I Will Kill You Clip

Monday Couple is Back
Those of you who watch variety shows surely know about Monday Couple Gary and Song Ji Hyo from Running Man.  They have been flirting and charming us every weekend for years and it was to everyone's surprise that we get to see Gary do a cute cameo on Emergency Couple as Song Ji Hyo's taxi driver. She sings as he drags her to the car and keeps calling him Gary...Gary.... to which he replies No I'm Dari (designated driver).  The scene ends with her telling him that she has a feeling she will love him on Monday.  Beyond cuteness and I truly wish that these two were a couple in real life.
Gary Cameo Clip

Wow, Wow, Wow!
That is what I kept saying during all of Inspiring Generation episode 8.  Well that and uncontrollable sobbing and gasping as the show packed in so many emotional and butt kicking scenes that I wondered if they were going to have anything left for the rest of the drama.  It had everything from sword fights, shirtless training, cute romantic moments, epic bromances, gun battles, and one very pasty white kick ass vampireesque Korean who manages to look so so yummy and menacing all at the same time.  Seriously this was all in one episode.  Again if you are not watching this drama and like action genre at all........then you need to start this one ASAP.  It has better action then Bridal Mask and better written then City Hunter (only thing CH has above this one is Lee Min Hottness Ho).  It is quickly becoming my must watch drama of the week.
Gaya and Mo Il-Hwa Fight (admit it, he totally looks like he escaped from the set of Twilight)

A Proposal
I watch Potato Star 2013QR3 for the fun comedy it brings in every episode.  It is the perfect light filler in between all of my emotional dramas (I'm talking to you Inspiring Generation and My Love From Another Star).  For the most part there is no big stressers in this drama, the one exception being the accident and memory lost of the oldest brother No Min-Hyuk (Ko Gyung-Pyo - Flower Boy Next Door).  After his accident (which resulted in glass fragments being embedded in his brain) he reverted to his 10 year old self and lost all memories after that time.  Unfortunately for him he also started having his "first love", while in this younger state, for the girl who lives in his garage (Yes she and her mother really do live in his garage). Na Jin-A (Ha Yeon-Soo-Monstar) has been his anchor while he went through these scary events and while we don't know how she feels about him romantically (it is kind of hard to really have a romance when the guy has the maturity of a tween) she has become close with him emotionally.  Realizing that unless he regains his memory he will always remain just an extra stress in other people's lives and not be able to become an "adult".  Min-Hyuk decides to go through a risky surgery to remove the remaining fragments and hopefully regain his memories.  He asks Na Jin-A to go to the amusement park with him the day before the surgery and at the end of the day he sits with her and tells her that he loves her.  That he is going to have this surgery because even death is better then where he is now.  And if he comes out of the surgery as an adult would she marry him.  It was a truly tender and beautiful scene in a drama that I am used to being breezy and happy.
Amusement Park Proposal Clip

This time it is truly the end, and this experience also makes me realize that I am glad I only do the top 5 best moments of kdrama each week and not the top ten.  It takes some serious time to throw this all together when I start adding things.  However, I hope you all enjoyed the little extra effort this week and can watch/start these great dramas that will have you laughing, crying, and probably sleep deprived in no time.  Be sure to tune in next week to see if the new drama Full Sun is any good and if it can find a spot on our top 5.  Til then, keep on watching.


Dramas that I am currently watching:
Potato Star 2013QR23
A Well Raised Daughter (subs are behind in relation to the filming schedule)
One Warm Word
Can We Love
King's Daughter Soo Baek Hyang
Empress KI
Lets Eat
My Love From Another Star
Golden Rainbow
Inspiring Generation
I Need Romance - Be sure to check out my recaps!
Emergency Couple 
Angel's Revenge 
Full Sun 


  1. Ah, Kmuse. We r such drama lovin birds of a feather. Let's Eat makes me luv it more each week. Just posted a recap of ep 10 on my own blog. And the Gary cameo on EC rocked! Monday Couple fighting!

    1. I will be sure to check it out. Have been enjoying your posts on My Love From Another Star:)

  2. Thank you for posting that Potato Star clip, So cute! The 11th episode of 'Let's Eat' was so funny! I totally cried with laughter when he practiced with a toy dog!
    Whoa that's a long list of dramas, do you get time to sleep? :D

    1. Not much. Luckily I have never really slept much so I am able to get it all in each week..........barely.


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