
Monday, March 31, 2014

Breaking Blog Silence

You were probably all hoping I had quit as a Crazy Ahjumma.  Well, sorry to burst your bubbles guys but I am back.  After 6 months of serious health scares for my son, surgery, more health scares, hospital stays, a trillion & one visits to a plethora of doctors, mostly specialists, lots of medicines, extreme stress & fatigue for all in our home, I am happy to report he is doing better.  He has a long way to go but he is no longer starving to death, that G Tube made a huge world of difference for his little body.  He gained over 10 lbs in the 2 months since his surgery & is doing beautifully.  He still has immunity issues but we'll get there.  I don't want to jinx anything by saying he's out of the woods but he is heading in the right direction for a change & for the first time in months I feel like it's okay to take deep breaths again.  Thank you to all who offered encouragement, support, prayers, love & laughter.  Anytime you want to know more about Liam's journey head on over to our family blog here.

thank you photo: Thank You Thankyoudance.gif
Next THANK YOU so very very very much to K Muse & to Dongsaeng for putting up with this very silent & completely unhelpful Unnie over the last 6 months.  If not for you guys, this labor of love of ours would have died a fast death.  You kept us going & even helped us thrive beyond our dreams.  Which is probably a reflection on how much I am not needed but I don't care you have to keep putting up with me.  I may disappear every once in a while but you people are stuck w me!

It would seem that uri dongsaeng let the cat out of the bag already, for the first time in months, this weekend I sat down & watched K Dramas.  6 hours worth of K Dramas nonetheless!  It was like manna from heaven for my weary soul.  I wanted to watch them over the last few months but A) have been way too busy taking care of my son & the rest of my motley crew and B) couldn't handle the extreme drama, when I had actual real life drama pulling me under.  It was too much emotionally for this mommy to handle all at once.  So I had to take a real break from all things KDrama.  I still had my tunes though.  Thank goodness for KPop!!

When last we spoke, I was supposed to be doing reviews, per episode, of The Master's Sun, but then things got bad around my neck of the woods & I had to stop what I was doing & go into offensive mode for my son's health.  Well on Saturday night I finished off TMS' last 3 eps.  Sigh....where to begin.  First, I am not going to do a detailed review/recap. It's been too long for one of those.

Cliffs Notes version:
He gets his memories back, he pays off her contract w Madame Go, he is still in love with her, she is still in love with him,  BUT she is afraid of herself & of the life she leads & that it could put him in danger, so she tries to leave.  First she helps him solve the whole Hee Joo vs Ha Na fiasco.  Yay.  I thoroughly enjoyed Little Sun's over the top stomachache/appendicitis on the plane.  Seriously so funny!  Then she finds the guy that her spirit hung out with for 3 years while she was comatose and it's him she is leaving with.  She comes back, that age old K Drama plot of a year later (or 2 or 3 or 5 whatever) & they have the happily ever after reunion, after she proves she is good enough for him?  What?!?  I get she has pride & all & I can't completely blame her but really, it irked me.  Just another device to keep them apart until the last minute. Ugh.

Okay personally, I thought ep 16 was boring.  It dragged on & on.  It had it's cute moments of course.  But blah blah blah, it was quite obvious they were just stalling for time.  By episode 17 they picked things back up, about 1/2 way through 17, but eventually.  It had a happy, cute, everything tied up in a neat little bow ending, but it left me underwhelmed all in all, after such great episodes all the way through. I think they should have simply ended it in 16, not pushed for that extra episode, just for ratings.  And yes they kissed & yes it was okay, but once again, underwhelming.  After everything this couple went through & the amazing chemistry they had together, there really should have been a little more umph in that last kiss.

Best part of the ending for me was that his aunt got to be pregnant.  I thought that was incredibly weird but very sweet.  Maybe she'll grow a heart after all.  And how cute were Kang Woo & Little Sun at the end walking the red carpet.  All in all I'll give TMS a standard 8.5.  It had the potential for a 10 but the last 2 eps were hum drum & did not live up to the rest of it.  BUT at least the Hong Sisters didn't pull another Big.  I'd have had to crack some heads otherwise.

And yes, I have finally started watching my Hyun-y, KHJ's new drama Inspiring Generation.  I have only made it through ep 3, so I am looking forward to seeing my man in ep 4 but I have to say the kid they picked to play him young, is awesome.  Major acting chops.  They did a phenomenal job casting him as a young Shin Jung Tae.  I can't wait to dive back in after I get some chores done.  I spent this weekend sick, again & am still recovering bronchitis.  Yes again.  I swear 5 times in less than 2 years on major antibiotics, breathing treatments, codeine cough syrup & steroids I am beginning to think WI is trying to kill me.  O.O

Before I sign off I have one awesome announcement, next month I will be in Merrillville, Indiana to watch BAP LIVE in concert.  And who bought me these tickets?  Well my Captain Awesome, no less.  How great is my guy?!?!?  I didn't even know they were coming here.  I have been so focused on my kids that I hadn't even paid any attention to anything.  So I will be heading out April 19th for a girls weekend w one of my favorite people.  Yay us!  I so totally need this break.  It has been an insane 6 months!!!!!

I have missed all of my fellow addiKts so much & have thought about you daily.  I cannot promise that I will start doing episode by episode recaps again, I simply don't have the time or energy but I will continue to post & talk to you again weekly.  I promise.  And trust me I will talk about KHJ's drama every opportunity I get.  So look for me on Twitter, FB & here.  Sending all my love out into the Blogosphere.

To give you something to enjoy & to help you get moving & smile here is Super Junior_M's Korean version MV of "Swing".  So much cuteness & eye candy!  I am awake now!  Now that's what I'm talking about!


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