
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Kmuse's Top 10 Actor Challenge - #10 Moon Chae Won

So you might be asking. "Kmuse, what is the Top 10 Actor Challenge?"  In a nutshell, it was where a friend on FB told me to write down my top favorite kdrama actors and then challenge others to do the same.  It was surprisingly hard, giving out numbered spots to my favorite bias's, but I was able to accomplish it and pass on the kdrama love.  As I was looking at my list, I thought of how fun it would be to share it with the blogging world, but instead of all at once, I am going to make it into a weekly post.  This way you might learn something about the actors as well as see what dramas they have starred in and maybe even get ideas for your kdrama queue.
So how did I choose my top 10?  Was it just on looks?  Talent? The number of shower scenes they appeared in?  HAHA.  No, to be honest, I chose my list on actors that I enjoy so much I will watch anything they are in, even if it is absolutely horrible (looking at you Joo Won who made me watch Level 7 Civil Servant).  And being the enlightened female that I am, (yup, equality for all!) my number 10 spot is actually held by one of my favorite actresses Moon Chae Won!
I first remember Moon Chae Won in the Sageuk drama "Princess Man" but as I look at her filmography, I discovered she was in a lot of older dramas that I had watched as well (mostly as 2nd lead) such as Brilliant Legacy and My Fair Lady.  However, I watched those back in my early drama years before I really started paying attention to who the actors are, so I was totally clueless as to her participation.  But it was not until Chae Won's role as the damaged heiress/stepdaughter in the revenge drama "Innocent Man" that I really fell in love with her as an actress.  She played hard boss and innocent amnesiac with flawless ease and most importantly she held her own with costar Song Joong Ki.  For those of you who know how amazing SJK is, that is a feat in itself.    

Chae Won followed up that role by playing the love interest to Joo Won's Savant Syndrome genius in Good Doctor.  Yet again she shined as the strong and empathetic doctor Cha Yoon-Seo, who was able to see past Joo Won's disabilities to the man inside.  I appreciate that Moon Chae Won is willing to play something other than the prim and nice candy types and applaud her on her wide range of character roles.

As I was searching for pictures to go with this article, I also noticed that she is obviously into pushing the fashion envelope.  Some of her red carpet looks were amazing and I am adding some of those photos in here for everyone to enjoy.  
I look forward to watching future dramas with Moon Chae Won as the heroine.  Currently she only has several movies in the works, but I am sure I will see her again soon on my TV screen.  Til then I might have to go rewatch Princess Man to get my fix.
Be sure to check in next week to find out who I ranked as #9.  He really is a scene stealer and excels with his acting skills and amazing charisma. 
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