
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Saying Goodbye

You may have guessed by the title to this post that someone is saying goodbye.

Well if you guessed me?  You're right.

It probably isn't that surprising to you guys, considering I haven't been a regular blogger here for almost a year.  I am sorry, I know I promised to come back & I promised to cover It's Okay, That's Love.  But I am going to break those promises now.  I find I cannot keep up with the life of a quasi-pro blogger & the demands of a mom of 4.  Don't worry I am not going to go into long boring details, suffice it to say, that my brain just can't handle the extra work.  I will miss being a crazy ahjumma.  Oh I'll still be an ahjumma & a crazy one too, just less official.  So as of today, I will be walking away from the life of a pro blogger.  Heading back to mom land & settling for just watching K Dramas, when I get the chance & just enjoying them without having to know all the details & write reviews.  They'll be my 'happy time', not my, "Oh crap! I have to watch that episode & then I have to find the time to write a review," time again.

I wish all of you here happy K Drama watching, the joy of lots of KPop listening, fan-girling, and all things Hallyu enjoying.  I know without a doubt that Dongsaeng & KMuse will have your backs.  They are the most awesome of bloggers, I am their biggest fan!!!

Sending lots of love & back hugs to you, my fellow AddiKts!  And a huge shout out to my girls, Shannen & Amber, for not only supporting this decision, but for understanding it & loving me, despite the fact that I am probably letting them both down.  I couldn't have asked for better friends.  I am a very blessed ahjumma to have the experience of the last couple years.  They are the best part of that experience.  Thank you so much ladies, YOU ROCK!!

Unnie ... Jess.


  1. You will always be Unnie, I will miss reading your posts but it is and understandable parting. Family and sanity first. Thank you for making me feel proud of my little obsession by letting me know I wasn't the only one out there ;).

    1. Thank you so much Keldra. I think we each helped each other feel less embarrassed by our obsession. And I will still be out there watching, just not reviewing. ;)


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