
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Oh, Henry: The Clueless Cutie of Real Men

I heart Running Man. Big time. It's got everything: slapstick, Monday Couple, inventive challenges, Monday Couple. So why was this show Real Men beating it in the ratings? I wanted to see what the draw was, and hunted down an episode with subs. The fans could list a multitude of reasons why they enjoy it. But I have one. And his name is Henry.

Henry Lau belongs to the offshoot musical group, Super Junior M. This Canadian transplant sorta speaks Korean, but still gets tripped up on the the harder stuff. I first saw him on Happy Together where his wide-eyed cluelessness and 4-D personality tickled me to no end. I still remember his fellow group member, Kyuhyun, reaching down to tuck Henry's feet back in his shower shoes when he made himself a little too comfortable on set.
And when he pulled out a violin and shredded a difficult classical piece like it was nothing, I was a goner. Give me an oblivious prodigy over a prissy, fashionista pop star any day of the week.

Real Men involves K-stars being temporarily "drafted" into the service, as they go through boot camp, winter training, etc. Here are just a few clips of Henry in all his camo-covered, Heodang glory. I dare you not to smile.

Ignorance is Bliss
Henry thinks his yoga mat will come in handy in the army, and his shoe insoles will help him shoot better.

Dog's Best Friend
They say pets take on the personalities of their owners. It looks like Henry found a dog just as adorably helpless as he is.

Everything's Better With Superhero Sound Effects
Henry turns a martial arts demonstration into his own personal comic book.
Have you ever been in a situation where you did something stupid that made everyone laugh, so you just went with it? I wonder if Henry is really that dense or it just worked for him and he went with it. Truth be told, I don't care. Intentional or not, he's hilarious. And that's enough for me.

(Good news for those not wanting to scour YouTube for subbed videos. Viki has Real Men listed as a Coming Soon on their webpage. More Henry. Woohoo!)

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