
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

2 New Character Teasers for Upcoming Drama "The Time We Were Not in Love"

So remember a week ago when they came out with that really cute trailer that had our leads alternately coming outdoors and there was weather and umbrellas and Ha Ji Won (Secret Garden) in a really cute yellow dress?  Well wipe that teaser from your mind.  Seems that someone at SBS's promotional department got a bit crazy with the plagiarism and that teaser has ceased to exist.  So I am sure they were scrambling to come out with something new real fast to replace the trailer that shall never be named.  Enter our two new teasers introducing our lifetime BFF's and future OTP (One True Pairing).

KMUSE- This drama needs to air already.  I can't handle another title change.  It went from "In Time With You" (the title of the original Taiwanese drama this is adapted from, to "The Time I Loved You, 7000 Days", to the even more awkward title "The Time We Were Not In Love".  Sometimes simpler is better.
DONGSAENG: We should just come up with our own name for it. My vote goes for "7000 Days of Love or Not Love, We Really Can't Decide". Or simply "That Drama with 7000 Titles". *rimshot*

KMUSE - It looks like weather is out and breaking and entering mouth visuals are in.  Kind of sad that we don't get a really good look at our leading lady until the very end.

KMUSE- I am not kidding, the little animated characters get more screen time.

DONGSAENG: At least the animations are cute. I wonder if they will be in the drama or if they are special just for the teasers? Oh, and I love her shoes here. The animations and shoes - that's what caught my attention. 
Kmuse- I agree.  The shoe shot was actually my favorite thing about her teaser. Oh Ha Na Teaser:

KMUSE- Now this is more like it.  Lots and lots of sexy visuals of our leading man. There is just something so sexy about a man who is playing angsty basketball and sweating.  Hmmm I think it is the hair.

DONGSAENG: Angsty basketball is my favorite kind of basketball. The sweat hides the tears. 

DONGSAENG: Can we just assume from here on out that if a drama has a number in the title, we can expect Lee Jin Wook as our leading man? I would just like to point out that his last four dramas were: I Need Romance 2, NINE: NINE Times Time Travel, The THREE Musketeers, and now 7000 Days. Hmm....


Choi Won Teaser:

June 27th is D-Day for this drama's premiere. How many more title changes and/or 'Oops' trailer leaks do you think we can get between now and then? I love when a drama gives us drama to talk about even before it airs.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha I love it.....any number related drama I def. Expect Jin Wood to be the lead. I will keep my eyes out for those.


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