
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

3rd Teaser for Upcoming Drama "I Remember You" Finally Shows OTP

FINALLY!  I have been itching for weeks to see the teasers for upcoming drama "I Remember You".  I about died when the two teasers literally had not a glimpse of leading man, Seo In Guk.  I am not kidding, I might have thrown a fit at my computer screen.

KMUSE - YAY!!!!  So it might not be my favorite teaser of all time, but at least we get to see Seo In Guk in all his glorious yumminess. So YAY!!!  Anytime I get to see my bias is a good day.

DONGSAENG: You know what they say, "the best things come to those that wait". SIG can certainly be considered a "best thing". The man just gets better and better with age. I think I will just stare at these pictures all day. Who needs food when there's a feast like this in front of you?!

KMUSE- It looks like they are going to lead with the more serious aspects of the story line (I swear they said there will be some comedy thrown in as well).  Seo In Guk and Jang Na Ra are looking mighty serious with a side of angsty.

DONGSAENG: At least the boy can make angsty look downright sexy. She's...well, I am withholding judgement until I actually see the drama. She's not exactly my favorite actress of all time, but I don't want to go in with a pre-existing chip on my shoulder either. I will say that she looks her typical whiny, wussy self. Ouch. Strike that. That wasn't nice. I'm sure she's lovely.

KMUSE - I do like that the teaser is showing the OTP (one true pairing) passing each other and not making any eye contact.  Is this to indicate the fact that she is stalking him (one of the few things we know from the synopsis)?  Or maybe that they have different agendas?  Either way, it is very eye catching from a viewers standpoint and makes one curious.

****** found a copy with subs (thanks redplum for the tag) and we see that it is all about answering questions and curiosity.)  One of those trailers where the words actually add a lot.  Thanks again!!!

DONGSAENG: Definitely different way of shooting it. Gave an all-around air of mystery and intrigue. 
KMUSE- One last thing to note..... How flipping adorable is this kid? 

Teaser 3 (just a note that the 2nd teaser was just more words so did not make a post of it).

DONGSAENG - Seo In Guk! Seo In Guk! Seo In Guk!

"I Remember You" airs in just under 2 weeks on June 22nd!  Yay! Be sure to check back as Dongsaeng and I tackle this drama for recapping!


  1. I'm looking forward to this! I like both actors very much but the plot seems a little strange. I have high hopes though LOL

  2. the words tht i saw from the second teaser.... i think... manner... designer... entertainer.. dunno about who tho,,.. a bit more cheery with those neon light. aaaaaaaaaaaa i just wanna see ep 1 cmon!!!! haha


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