
Monday, July 27, 2015

Will There Still Be A Seoul After D-Day? D-Day Releases Two New Teasers and Stills

The first two teasers for the ambitious drama "D-Day" have been released.  And while it is being promoted as a huge disaster drama high in intensity and quality, I still get the feeling this is going to turn into your regular medical drama with just more cases than usual (sorry, I am burnt out on medical dramas).

A story about rescue workers and emergency medical doctors in Seoul where a catastrophe shuts down the whole city.

KMUSE- On an up note, Kim Yeong Kwang is the lead.  He really impressed me with his 2nd lead role in "Pinocchio".  On a negative note........ He is a genius doctor.  But at least he has a supporting cast that I like.  Lee Sung Yul (Hi School Love On) and Kim Jeong Hwa (Big Man) fill out the leading cast.........negative note.........everyone is a doctor.  UGH.  Medical dramas are going to be the death of me.  Or maybe not, if a genius hot Korean doctor is working at my local emergency room.  Hmmmm.
KMUSE- Not only is this a medical drama, but it is also a doomsday natural disaster drama.  There are reasons that I don't go to disaster movies.  Mostly because I am a totally wimp and start imagining that every tsunami, tornado, and earthquake is about to hit Portland and my house will be ground zero.  I am not sure if the level of hot acting is at the caliber that will motivate me to voluntarily have nightmares for months to come.

DONGSAENG: Unlike my blogner, this drama is right up my alley! See, this is why you have two of us. Aren't you lucky? I LOVE medical dramas. I want to be a doctor, so they fascinate me. I appreciate Korean medical dramas and how they do their research a little bit better than American medical dramas and the ailments are a little more realistic/true to life. Not that they are perfect, we are still talking drama here after all, so things are sensationalized a wee bit, but yeah, I love them. Medical dramas that is. Hot docs in scrubs? Oh hecks yeah! And throw in the mega disaster angle to boot and I am all over that! Maybe it is because I don't live anywhere near a ground zero. I live in a land fairly free of natural disasters (unless you count the daily siege against a harsh environment not designed to actually support life), so these kinds of worries don't necessarily keep me up at night. I love the intense drama of it all and think that a show based on a hospital during and after a mega doomsday event sounds kind of crazy interesting. And like one I wouldn't mind checking out. So, if you are like me and don't mind this premise of a doomsday doc drama, well, know that you are not alone. We will sip cyber champagne together as we watch the world fall apart and these brave doctors try to stitch it back together again. Go Team D-Day!

D-Day will begin airing at the end of September, following the current airing drama "Last" on JTBC.


1 comment:

  1. LOVE disaster movies/dramas - & love medical dramas, especially w/twists (like a disaster hitting, or a plague, etc) So I'm excited!


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