
Friday, August 7, 2015

Meta Teaser Released for Upcoming Drama "Eccentric Daughter-In-Law"

I personally am a huge fan when teasers and the accompanying dramas go a little meta.  And so far "Eccentric Daughter-In-law" is totally scoring points with their unique and fun concept.

KMUSE- It's time yet again for my Blogner (blog partner) Dongsaeng and I to search for our next co-recap.  Excuse me why I go in a corner and cry that my Seo In Guk's drama is almost over.  Feeling the hole in my heart already.  But it's okay since there are always dramas to help fill that hole, and "Eccentric Daughter-In-Law" might be just such a drama.

DONGSAENG: I sure hope you're right because SIG is going to be almost impossible to replace.
No more Seo In Guk?  Inconceivable.
KMUSE- I am loving the concept behind this story.  Has-been idol tries to make a comeback by joining a reality show where she has a fake Mother-In-Law from a traditional Korean family.  She then has to learn to deal with her new, fake, family while it is all being filmed.  Oh, and fall in love with the khottie son of course.

DONGSAENG: ... mind warping ... can't... what? ...who?...huh? Ha, no, this sounds and looks fun, I agree. Just a little too meta for my tired brain to try to process at the moment, but I'm sure by the time it starts and I can actually see it play out, I'll be loving it.

KMUSE- I personally have never seen SISTAR's Dasom act in anything before, but I am usually willing to give idol actors a try.  Not to mention that it looks like this is a perfect role for someone who might not be the most experienced actor, since it is going for a very meta feel.  Also I am still very pro-SISTAR after singing their hit "Shake It" in my head all summer long.  ***They even use the song in the teaser....well played teaser, well played.***
KMUSE- Hahaha I love that she pouts before the camera's start filming and then moves into over acting cutesy actor the second they turn on.  Please Drama Gods, let this show be the light and fluffy comedy I am hoping it will be.

DONGSAENG: I add to those prayers! Please don't go all weird and melo or serious on us with this one. My head might really try to explode then.

"Eccentric Daughter-In-Law" begins airing August 17th following "I Remember You"  (SOB.......Seo In Guk 4EVER).

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