
Thursday, August 13, 2015

Yoo Seung Ho Looks Mature and Ultra Fit in New Commercial for Adidas

I blame a slow news day on why I am sharing a commercial with all my readers.  It has nothing to do with the fact that I am going through serious baby oppa (the nickname a group I am in gave him before he was legal) withdrawals since Yoo Seung Ho is still yet to return to dramaland.

Or maybe I am just really impressed with the quality of Adidas shoes lately.  I totally need shoes, Yoo Seung Ho is selling shoes, it is a match made in kstalking heaven.

Whatever the reason, I feel the urge to share with all of you the joy of watching Yoo Seung Ho run.  Such gorgeous motion, such perfect hair, such absolute squeal worthy euphoria seeing him out of the military, even if it is in an ad.  So watch and rewind since I am sure I am not the only one out there spending an insane amount of time loving his new post military look.


  1. I fangirled with you! The military did his body good!!

  2. He is such a handsome man...I may need a new pair of tennis shoes. Thats the only reason I'm hitting replay


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