
Friday, September 11, 2015

D-Day Has New Trailer and and Actual OTP...... Who Knew?

Judging from the previous trailers, I would have never guessed there was an strong OTP (One True Pairing) in this drama.  But after this 7th (and I would assume final) trailer we finally get some romantic action.  And gosh darn it, they are kind of adorable.

So since this trailer might have convinced me to forgo my dislike of the natural disaster genre and give it a try, lets count down what we learned from these 43 seconds.

1. I have a thing for sweaty doctor scenes.
I started noticing this during Yong Pal with Joo Won's many sexy doctor scenes (while ignoring the actual surgery part....ick).  And since this small millisecond visual totally has me thinking "Yum" it might be an ongoing thing.  Which is ironic since I don't really enjoy Doctor dramas that much.

2. South Korea has run out of ways to get a man shirtless.  Introducing the dead body who is not really dead shirtless scene.

3. There will be smacking and kicking going on. 
 Because what cute couple doesn't start off with a tiny bit of feisty?

4. Trials and mud will bring them together

5.  And finally, we have love. 
That must have been some super romantic mud.  And how cute does our leading man look with that curly hair? I highly approve of his styling.  D-Day will start September 18th, taking over the time slot currently held by the Noir drama "Last".

DONGSAENG: I just had to jump in here (late) and add that I am CRAZY excited about this drama and each trailer has just made me more so!! OMGD! That part where he brushes her hair back?! How stinking adorable and shmexy as all get out is he?! 3 more days til D-Day!!!


  1. Oh I wasn't going to watch this one but now.....I may have to give it a try
    I rather like muddy heroes with curly hair and nice chests.

  2. I hope to watch this drama . thanks


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