
Monday, September 21, 2015

High School Shenanigans Abound in 1st Trailer for "Sassy Go Go"

We get a good look at the world of "Sassy Go Go" in this new trailer.  And happily there is not a glimpse of extreme angst anywhere to be found (of course I don't speak Korean so maybe I missed something with all the smiling and happy music).

KMUSE: I am so happy that this drama looks like it is going to be more of an ensemble piece than just an OTP falling in love show.  With this much talent in the side characters, it would be a shame to have them underused.

DONGSAENG: Absolutely. Could not agree more. I really would like to see all of these characters interacting and not just another boy-meets-girl-teenage-angst story. Love interests are fine, but let's not have that as our focus. I hope to see lots of cheerleading and less angsting as well, as long as we're putting our wish list together. 

"Sassy Go Go" will air on October 5th.



  1. SOS! SOS! Calling the Crazy Ajhummas!! After watching heal me, Kill me...and Falling for Innocence....I drifted....I wandered back to watching "It's Ok, That's Love, and other K-drama's from previous years...Now I need a roadmap for 2015...I need a reboot for my drama engines!!!! To go with listening to Nell and CNBLUE and Tablo..Thanks, for lighting the way

    1. For 2015 dramas, we both highly recommend Seo In Guk's I Remember You. I also think Oh My Ghostess is a must, as is Twenty Again so far. We are also both absolutely hooked on the Tdrama Moon River right now if you want something a little different in the mix.

    2. I 2nd what Dongsaeng has suggested. All three of those were the best! Would also add "Mask" to the list.


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