
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

It's A TCA Pause

Hi All! Kmuse here with some sad news.  It seems that someone or some group is crazy intent on shutting us down since everything we do (even just posts with basic screenshots) are getting flagged by the DMCA.  So we are going to pause our recapping for now until we get this situation handled. 

We are actually looking into switching over to our webpage (which is badly neglected) so it will take us a while to get everything organized and ready to go.  I hope you guys continue to follow us on FaceBook and twitter (@Thecrazyahjummas or @amberkmuse) as we will continue to release all the newest stills, pictures, and trailers in those venues.

Expect us back quickly with new recaps and some great giveaways.  See you soon and thank you for your continued support!

Dongsaeng & Kmuse


  1. Sorry to hear about your problems with the blog. Good luck switching over.

  2. *Waves to the Crazy Ahjummas* I will follow you everywhere but facebook. :(
    Well Twitter anyway. Good luck with all this *#%&*$

  3. OH noes! I love reading your recaps of Twenty Again. I hope you get those problems sorted out quickly.

  4. Sorry to hear about your problems 8-( Will be missing you as you go 'off-line' for a while! Hope everything gets resolved.

  5. Karma Kurse on those who have such petty minds. Thanks for the update. I'm somewhat of a neophyte on FB but follow you there, and will add you to twitter. Best of luck. Gosh, WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE UNIVERSE? I guess it's true, The Apocalypse is happening after all...(I gotta listen to some Nell right now)


We love comments! Just please remember to keep it clean and keep it nice or you won't survive the moderation round.