
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Unnie's Wednesday Write Up: {{Happy Birthday Kim Hyun Joong-ssi}}

As of right this moment it is nearly 2 pm in Seoul, South Korea on Thursday June 6th.  Here in Wisconsin, where I live, it is nearly midnight on June 5th.  In just a few more minutes my #1 of all time bias will be another year older.  If you remember last year I wrote him this Bday tribute.  Well, of course I can't possibly re-tribute so here is this year's all new tribute.


Can you tell I am excited?!?!?!  ^^

This marks my second birthday tribute to the man I call MY KHJ.

{{Yes, I know he isn't actually mine, duh.  Which I am sure my husband really appreciates.}}

I, oh so happily, wish you the very best of days today.  I hope you are being showered w love & lots of praise from your family & from those real friends in your life.   

Now, lest you should think me a stalker or bizarre or insane, whatever adjective works best, I admit I have never actually met you, {{I know that seems like a serious oversight on his part to not make it a priority to meet ME!!  *kekeke*}} AND I sincerely & highly doubt any kind of meeting is in any way shape or form a possibility.  I only know what you & the media surrounding you has allowed me to know.  But, from what I have seen on my computer, the portal through which I get to enjoy all things "Korean", you seem like an incredibly kind, dedicated, loyal man.  Someone is kind to those in need; honest, straightforward, hard working, talented, compassionate & humble.  You are indeed an incredibly good looking man, but to me, along with the outside, it is your inside that seems to speak to me the most.  When I see how much you love & appreciate your fans, of ALL ages, I am truly touched.   The hours you keep, the hard work & effort you put in to making sure your fans are satisfied & happy & entertained is inspiring & enervating.  I truly do wish you only good things; joy, love, success, health, & the stamina & strength to achieving those dreams.  May this year bring you all of those things & many more.  

Now what kind of "Unnie" {{Noona to you KHJ}} would I be if I didn't include a great many delicious pictures for your fans to enjoy?  A terrible Unnie indeed, so without further ado.....

So, of course, up above he's "on duty" & looks sexy, handsome, charming, suave, debonair, gorgeous!  

do you know when I love him best?!?!  

When he is just being his own sweet "adorkable" self.  

Not that I would in any way complain when he is all shirtless & showing off the reason they keep calling him "Muscle Man" on Barefoot Friends...duh!! mama didn't raise a fool!  



But I also love memes with him in them.... they usually so aptly describe me too....

But at the end of the day there is just something about him, that pulls me back to him again & again.  I guess I just can't get enough of him...and I hope I never do.

Happy Birthday Kim Hyun Joong-ssi.  

Make sure & leave YOUR Happy Birthday Wishes for MY KHJ, *giggle* on this post or on the TCA FB page etc...  

Thank you so much for bringing so much joy to all of us your fans.


Fans of KHJ as soon as his latest single/MV drops I will add it to this post.  It's supposed to drop today but, as yet, I have not seen it.  Now I am off to sleep.  It's been a LONG very LONG day for me.  Congrats to my son, who is now a High School Freshman.  So proud!!

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