We start where episode one leaves off. San plus bookie ahjussi's walk in, San saves the girl, then
just like Cinderella they must rush off into the night. Mostly
because the hotels security is upset about the fight and they are about to be
arrested if they dont run. But the important thing is that our hero
is now on are heroine's radar as possible dating material. And in a burst of
passion she runs out of the hotel ballroom with him leaving the whole
room gaping..
Loves Me:
Our OTP (One True Pairing for those of
you who are not up to using Kdrama abbreviations yet) are randomly
running the upper hallways of the hotel (why they could not have just
gone towards the exit I for sure dont know) only to run into her
father who is meeting with a bunch of Evil Ahjussi's. They rush
behind the only piece of furniture nearby which happens to be a desk big
enough for both of them. At this point she puts her
hand over his mouth so he wont yell and out their location????
Again still having to work towards getting their relationship so far
but this provides the opportunity for some light skinship as he gazes
at her adoringly. I am glad that he is so taken with the shape of
her eyebrows ( I swear that is what the camera kept focusing on) since that is all he can be appreciating since so far
they have yet to actually talk to each other.............
DEEP BREATHS, I swear I am going to give this couple a chance. There
has to be something coming that will blow me away with how awesome
their romance is........ Or at least I hope so.
So as they get up from their hiding
places the bump heads resulting in a round of awkward (filled with
tons of puppy eyed looks from both parties) are you ok's. And upon
seeing that our OTP hottie has somehow scratched his hand our heroine
promptly tied her beautiful embroidered handkerchief around his
wound. I would like to point out that this part was very sweet. I
find that both of them are suffering equally from the love at first
glance syndrome (or in her case second glance since she did not
notice him when he was a street kid). And neither seem sure of what to
do. Also the beautiful violin OST might also have a lot to
do with why this scene worked for me. The combo made for one of the
first romantic scenes that has given me a glimmer of hope.
loves me not:
Just when you think this budding
relationship might cross the colossal financial divide
something of course comes to get in the way. That roadblock comes in
the form of our princess's daddy who plans on destroying our hero's
home, along with all the other Koreans who are living in the
tent/shanty village. They are in the way of his getting an in with
all the higher up Japanese business men and they have given him this
area to clear for their new apartment buildings they want to build.
Loves Me:
So the next day we see our two
lovebirds back in their real lives. San is early to his job selling
liquor wearing a huge smile. He is even happier to discover a
magazine (the magazine his true love writes for) thrown onto the
floor by his boss. He must be in love if he is reading a magazine
called Modern Women. LOL And later on we see him on the outskirts
of the basketball court reading one of her articles called “Ways to
Find Your True Love”. With such important advice as pouring hot
cocoa so your hands look nice and picking appropriate sporting events
for your dates, how can this guy miss in winning her love.
At the
magazines headquarters, our heroine Shin-young. is walking around
the office sighing heavily and lunging for the phone anytime it
rings. (correct me if I am wrong but wasn't she fired). Her BFF
(who is embroidering this time and must just come for the use of the
comfy couch not actually to work) keeps giving her curious looks. A
few seconds later we see that yes she was fired but comes to the
office anyway and kicks one of the other reporters off of their desks
to make room for her. Despite all of the not so subtle hints her ex
boss is giving her she just continues to say that she is ok and not
to worry about her not having a desk of her own. Hehehe this girl
totally lives in her own world.
in Love:
Shin Young (have decided to call her
by her name but at a seconds notice I am ready to revert back to her
ditzy princess moniker since one descent scene does not a good
character make) is sent to get photos of our Basketball team for her
But instead of working all she can do is gaze off into the
distance daydreaming about San. This allows the basketball jerk
from the night before to get his revenge by purposefully missing a
pass made by Chi Ho which resulted in our leading lady getting
smacked hard in the head. Every mindful of this great opportunity
Shin Young's companion (will have to learn her name because I am
really liking her) keeps pushing her friends head down declaring that
the only right thing to do is to have Chi Ho take them to the
hospital to treat the injury. She whispers under her breath that
this is her lady's chance to interview him and to fake injured. Chi
Ho offers his back (seriously does anyone even consider carrying
someone in their arms) to whisk her away to the hospital. As they
come out and are bantering back and forth San (in his regular
clothes) sees her. After his first joyful reaction he steps back
seeing her with Chi Ho. At least one of them realizes the distance
between them.
loves me not:

![]() |
Bookie Ahjussi (aka -The Devil) |
Loves Me: (yup you are getting a whole lot of pictures of their cuteness)
Their date is all that could be
considered cute, sweet, and innocent. Such sweet moments of
skinship on the ice skating rink and I love that he is following all
of the suggestions in her article in order to win her over. OK I am
very very slowly warming up to these two. Still dont think they have
any depth to their relationship but it sure is cute in a sweet first
love kind of way (Yup it is all flowers and sausages for this OTP so far).
We end with a cute scene of
Shin Young prancing around her bedroom wondering if it is to forward
for a modern women to contact him first. Her companion Go Bong Soon
( played by wonder girl's lead singer Park Ye Eun) complains that her
lady never listens to her and that she should know always to leave
something behind so she can “go collect it”. So practical in comparison to her
lady's twitty ways.
for a Hottie:
Taking a quick break from all the lovey
dovey talk to discuss my new favorite character in the show Min Chi Ho.
I love that true to Korean Idol (or basketball star as the case might
be) fashion our #1 basketball cover boy is shooting a CV for French
Perfume. Well spoken, handsome, and with just a touch of bad boy.
Our basketball star accepts all of the acclaims that come with his
fame with a smile. I found it amusing when he wished he was a
little less popular and was complaining about having to go to the Christmas ball. Also how awesome is it that he has his own version of a cute
little manager that translates, organizes, and moves our golden boy
from one location to the next. I detect a hint of the director
really trying to make this drama relatable to our idol obsessed tv
viewers. Also his snarky quick witted comments with
everyone he interacts with, be it his manager, prejudiced French
ahjummas, or our heroine add that bit of humor that the show has been lacking. Already there are signs that he is going
to be the character that is going to show some growth emotionally.
When he spies the street urchin who shouted obscenities at the train
station he starts to chase after her. After being decked
with feces slop (that was a super icky moment) and followed her into the poor shanty village. Only to find out that her father had been “taken”
by people using his image on a flier which promised jobs. After a
night of heavy thoughts he goes back to the shanty neighborhood
throws the urchin girl over his shoulder and carries her
to.................. his basketball game?????????? And then says
that she is to watch him so she can see the real him and that he is
not a puppet for the Japanese. Oooooooooookay..... since he is
currently on my “like” list I will watch and see where this goes.
Hopefully he has a point beyond the whole, I am handsome and a star,
concept he has been going with. I really hope they dont make him
into a horrible bad guy because I am kind of falling for his easy
charm and the cute wink.
And we return to our regularly scheduled romance:
loves me not:
As San goes off to do “government
work” we switch over to the shanty village where everyone is in a
great mood. Sharing vegetable pizza and listening to the basketball
game on the radio, the locals smile and banter unaware of the thugs
coming to destroy their lives. Upon arrival San looks around asking
what they are doing since this is not an official job.
Seriously?????? You are 24 how can you have such a lack of street smarts?
His bookie
friend just smirks at him and asks “what, did you think you were
not going to have to get your hands dirty”. But true to his nature
instead of joining in he starts to beat all of the thugs trying to
save his friends and neighbors. Upon seeing his best friend kneeling
next to his dead grandmother San rushes forward but is mistaken as
part of thug gang (because of his official arm band) and is cursed
Held back by other thugs he can do nothing but watch as his best friend is beaten and his home destroyed. The episode ends in an awesome mix of the basketball game interwoven with the destruction of the shanty. Yet another visual distinction between the have's and have nots.
My Thoughts:
So personally I think that their romance is looking very bleak right now. As cute as the couple is in their innocent puppy dog love kind of way, it is obvious reality has not set in. She has absolutely no idea of how the other half lives and although she spouts off ideals left and right, I notice that she does not have any interaction outside of her comfort zone. Even her servant/companion is more of a poor nobility type of girl rather then a true servant. Add in her father's lack of humanity and his ambitions and we see a huge hill for the heroine to have to overcome.
Although San is a little more realistic he also seems to be truly innocent. I think he is more twitterpated then anything else by the beautiful princess who seems to have noticed him. The him that he lets her see which is pretty much none of the real him. No angst, anger, or drive come through just the sweet kindness that he usually only reserves for dealing with his mom.
Also our possibly fickly princess looked really entranced in the end scene with Chi Ho and his basketball skills. Is she going to have duel bias's? Cant wait to see what happens in the next episode. From the previews it looks to be more action packed and less sappy romance. Which makes me happy since there is nothing I like better then action from this drama.
I am already excited to stalk tomorrows episode for subs!
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