Thursday, May 14, 2015

High Society Leaks Photos from Poster Shoot - And They Are HOT!

I was really excited when Sung Joon and UEE were cast for the upcoming drama High Society.  I enjoy both actors despite the fact that their role choices are hit and miss for me.  And judging from these photos, their chemistry is going to be explosive. 

These photos were taken from the photo shoot for the drama posters.  Yes, I know that these are just the BTS (behind the scenes) photos, but when it is hot, it is hot.  This drama had previously been called Chaebol's Daughter and True Romance (seriously, just pick a name and run with it) and is about a rich heiress who decides to find real love by going undercover as a poor girl.
High Society will follow "Heard it Through the Grapevine" and air on Monday/Tuesday in June.  Now that my attention has been snagged, I will impatiently be waiting for more of this OTP (one true pairing).

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